Saturday May 8 Easter 5
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Psalm 75
God assures us that justice will prevail.
Psalm 76
Praise to God who stands with overwhelming power for the poor and for the oppressed.
Wisdom 19: 1-22 What’s Wisdom about?
More poetic images about how the Israelites were rescued from Egypt by God doing marvellous things in nature to rescue them. God is powerful over every aspect of nature, ensuring that the innocent are treated justly.
This concludes the book of Wisdom.
Luke 9: 1-17 What’s Luke about?
The kingdom is breaking in, not just through Jesus, but Jesus gives power to his disciples to also bring in the kingdom. Even Herod is impressed. Herod had driven fisher people in Galilee into poverty and had almost wiped out the fish stock in the lake to raise the money to build his city of Tiberias, so when Jesus feeds 5,000 people and has 12 baskets left over having started with only two fish, this may have been experienced as a political act symbolizing God’s reign of justice arriving in spite of Herod’s oppression.
This week’s collect:
Almighty God,
your Son Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.
Give us grace to love one another
and walk in the way of his commandments,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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